The best way to treat constipation

Constipation is a health problem faced by a large number of people around the world, and people with it usually look for laxatives to relieve it and promote regular bowel movement, but there are some natural ways that can be used to treat constipation instead of taking medicines such as herbs, oils and exercise.
What are the causes of constipation?
Causes of constipation can be categorized by its types, or by how common, as follows:
Most common
causes of constipation Common causes of constipation in most groups include:
- A diet low in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables.
- Not drinking enough water.
- Lack of physical activity and an inactive lifestyle, such as spending long periods sitting or lying down.
- A change in daily routine, such as travel, different work times, or disturbed bedtimes, and a difference in a person's usual routine is one of the causes of sudden constipation.
- Ignore or delay the urge to use the bathroom.
- Pregnancy is also one of the reasons why constipation persists during pregnancy and after childbirth for up to 6 weeks.
- For younger children, toilet training is one of the most common causes of constipation in children.
Causes of functional constipation Functional
causes refer to a defect or damage in the normal function of one of the organs that have a role in stimulating bowel movement and defecation normally, and these reasons include the following:
- Damage to the pelvic floor muscles that support the intestines, bladder and uterus in females, and their weakness leads to difficulty in Pelvic muscle weakness often occurs as a result of pregnancy, childbirth, or nerve damage in the pelvic area.
- Weakness of the movement of the colon muscle or inertia of the colon, which means the lack of movement of the muscles of the colon quickly enough, and therefore the decrease in the number of times to stimulate the excretion of stool, and it often occurs because of not sending signals from the nerves to the muscles of the colon, and constipation resulting from these reasons is called slow transit constipation.
Causes of organic constipation
Causes of constipation resulting from a disease or health condition include:
- Hypothyroidism.
- diabetic.
- High level of calcium in the blood, or low level of potassium in the blood.
- Diseases or injuries of the nervous system, such as Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, stroke, dementia, multiple sclerosis, and depression.
- Gastrointestinal disorders, especially diseases of the large intestine, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), intestinal obstruction, diverticulosis, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, proctitis, and colon cancer.
- Certain medications or vitamins and supplements, such as antacids containing calcium and aluminum, cough suppressants containing codeine, antidepressants, iron supplements, and some high blood pressure medications.
- Excessive use of laxatives or laxatives, which over time leads to weakness of the intestinal muscles, and consequently constipation.
Best Constipation Treatment Constipation
is treated by treating the underlying cause using remedial or pharmacological measures, along with lifestyle modification.
Constipation treatment options include:
- Diet modification: It is recommended to eat a diet rich in fiber, drink enough water, and avoid eating a lot of foods that cause constipation, such as milk and dairy products.
- Follow a healthy lifestyle: physical activity stimulates bowel movement, so it is recommended to exercise such as walking daily or day after day.
- Use of some nutritional supplements: Some supplements help stimulate digestion in the colon, such as probiotics supplements, after consulting a doctor or pharmacist.
- Use of laxatives: Although some types are available without a prescription, misuse of laxatives may worsen constipation rather than treat it, so it is recommended to consult a health care provider.
- Bowel training: daily defecation at the same time helps to regulate bowel movement, and it is recommended to try to defecate within 15-45 minutes after breakfast, as food helps the colon to move the stool. It is also important not to rush during the defecation process and try to relax the muscles and use a footrest.
- Biofeedback therapy for constipation: Biofeedback therapy is used to retrain the weakened muscles that control bowel movements.
- Surgery: Constipation or its complications can be treated with a colon procedure, such as resection or resection of a portion of the colon or a colostomy. Surgery is used for severe constipation that has caused serious complications, such as anal obstruction or rectal prolapse.
Constipation medication from Adam Pharmacy
There are many medications that help treat constipation, which can be ordered from Adam's pharmacy online, including:
Natural ways to treat constipation Constipation
can be treated and prevented by following the following tips that include lifestyle changes, including the following:
- Drink plenty of fluids: As dehydration caused by drinking small amounts of fluids can lead to constipation, so it is recommended to drink Lots of fluids.
- It should be noted that sparkling water may be more effective than regular water in treating and preventing constipation, including cases where constipation is caused by chronic idiopathic constipation or irritable bowel syndrome.
- Eat foods rich in fiber: It can be said that dietary fiber is divided into two main types: insoluble fiber, which is found in wheat bran, vegetables and whole grains, in addition to soluble fiber found in oat bran, barley, nuts, lentils and peas.
- It should be noted that insoluble fiber may make constipation caused by problems with bowel function such as irritable bowel syndrome or chronic idiopathic constipation worse.
- Exercise: Exercise, such as walking, may help reduce symptoms associated with constipation, although it may not increase stool count.
- Drinking coffee: Drinking caffeinated coffee can help treat constipation. By stimulating the muscles of the digestive system, coffee is a good stimulator for the muscles of the digestive system, with caffeinated coffee outweighing the effect of drinking water by 60% and that of drinking decaffeinated coffee by 23%.
- Use of senna: The senna herb contains many compounds that activate the digestive system and speed up bowel movement, and this herb is considered safe if used for a few days, but it is not safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women and patients with inflammatory bowel disease. illness).
- Eating prunes: Eating prunes or drinking juice helps treat constipation because it contains fiber in addition to sorbitol, a natural laxative.
- The recommended dose of prunes to treat constipation is 50 grams, which is approximately 7 medium-sized peaches twice daily.
- Eat foods that contain probiotics or probiotic supplements: The beneficial bacteria found in foods like yogurt and sauerkraut can help restore the balance of gut bacteria and get rid of chronic constipation.